Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Pack Pack

Ell calls a backpack a "pack pack" and I have been on the look out for the perfect one for him for a while. Especially now that we are potty trained - its nice to have a bag that is just his size to throw a change of clothes (you know, just in case) and a snack or two in when we are heading out for the day.

While out shopping in Nashville last weekend I stopped into Snap- which is one of my favorite children's stores. While there i stumbled across the bags by Four Peas. At first the lunch bags caught my eye- but I ended up actually puchasing a back pack.

The Gray Biker Toddler Backpack to be exact. I'm so happy about this purchase. The price is right, quality is great, for a toddler bag it is surprisingly roomy, and the graphics are perfect for Ell. My favorite part is that there is nothing babyish about the bags so hopefully we will be able to use it for a few years.

Now I am daydreaming about the duffel bag...

Thursday, June 25, 2009


i am the queen of finding pieces i can NOT afford but love nonetheless.

the alphabet drawer by Kent and London is one such piece.

but damn it would be nice.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wedding Style

Wedding season is upon us and we are the types who always try to take our little man with us because weddings are a great opportunity for him to see friends who we havn't seen in a while.

We aren't the church goin' type- so Ell rarely needs dress clothes- so I wanted to show you what we decided on for his 2009 Wedding Attire.

I found everything I needed at Baby Gap- and it didn't really break the bank.

The shirt I chose was a lightweight white button down with short sleeves. I bought it at Gap last week- but I can't find it on their website. I actually also saw something similar at Old NAvy yesterday but it is ALSO missing from the website.

But here are a couple of similar shirts that would work.

the Striped Roll Up on sale for $19.99

Or the Embroidered Cargo shirt

we paired this with some basic khaki cargo shorts and white chucks.

My favorite part though was the Contrast Woven Fedora- seriously adorable.

Comfy, cute, and classic. And I think it will serve double duty for some beach portraits next week when we hit Florida.

And here are a few shots of the little man in full force: