Saturday, May 31, 2008

umm yeah, hello

this is a blog. i have a toddler. i will mainly spout off adorable things he says because really who can resist?

we are currently potty training which means a lot of naked time for e (who is 25 months). a few days ago my husband b, noticed him holding onto his penis.

b: "E, why are you holding your penis?"

e: "its not a penis- its a rocketship!"

1 comment:

bekah78 said...

This is a great e quote. I didn't know you had this blog, but it seems to have veered from your original intention to really awesome cool shit that Beth wants. Ha! Don't buy any of those blankets from your most recent post in hopes of giving them to us. Just saying. They're awesome but there shouldn't be any need in the near future. :P